Designer handbags are expensive, but they are not just reserved for the rich and famous. These bags are for anyone who wants to accessorize with something more than just a standard bag. Nowdays, many women are saving thousands of dollars by purchasing a designer handbag. Designer handbags are just one of the designer products which plenty from the female population go crazy over. Because that the name of the designer has a direct bearing on the craze over designer handbags. Possessing a designer bag is both a status symbol and a source of pride. When searching for designer handbags, make sure you are buying from a reputable store or online dealer. There are many replicas on the market today and it can be extremely hard to tell if you’re getting the real thing. Also, be prepared to spend a hefty price for your designer handbag.
1.eLuxury is a well know and reputable site for selling designer handbags. eLuxury is run by LVMH (Louis Vuitton Moet Hennessy). offers a wide variety of high end designer handbags.
2.Yoox is another reputable online site selling designer handbags. This site also includes a variety of handbags from top designers.
3. Net-A-Porter has a variety of handbags ranging from Jimmy Choo to Fendi.
4.For those who don’t want to spend big bucks on designer handbags, BagBorrowOrSteal offers the option to rent designer handbags from them. BagBorrowOrSteal offers four different types of paid membership levels including Couture, Diva, Princess and Trendsetter. You may also purchase gently used designer handbags from their outlet, which is listed on their website.
If ever in doubt when purchasing designer handbags online, review the terms and conditions of the website, which will explain the origin of the goods being sold.
If purchasing a designer handbag in stores, stick with reputable stores that sell high end designer accessories.
1.Nordstrom is a great store to purchase designer handbags. They offer a wide variety of designers and styles.
2.Saks Fifth Avenue offers a wide selection of designer handbags ranging from Dolce & Gabbana to Fendi.
3.Bloomingdale’s has a great selection of designer handbags ranging from Kate Spade to Michael Kors.
You are getting what you pay for when it comes to designer handbags. With the amount of money you are spending on these items, you are certainly paying for the designer’s name as well as greatest detail and craftsmanship that goes into the handbag. Pay close attention to the details of a designer handbag to ensure it is authentic. Make sure that the monograms be clearly printed, not cutout, solid colored, smudged, or have a greenish tint. Stitches should be tiny and discreet but not clumsy or meretricious. Authentic designer bags have tight, even stitches, while knock-off bags may have loose, shoddy workmanship, uneven stitches.
Modern Designer Handbags-More Popular Than Before
Designer handbags are famous for their unique and sophisticated look. Carrying a designer handbag adds confidence and glamour to the personality, it is interesting. They make bold fashion statement with up-to-date looks, brighter colors as well as more shine. When you’re spending a lot of money on a designer handbag, it’s going to be hard for you to not get noticed. Manufacturers deeply appreciate your behave.
A new trend in designer handbags involves the monogram/initial print. For this a designer such as Gucci repeats its logo or initials all over the handbag’s surface. Because of the popularity and sales of these bags fashion experts expect this trend to continue and believe that limited editions that use the monogram print will also be introduced. The scarcity of these bags elevates them to the level of collectibles.
Designer handbags are expensive items, and parents report that they feel the pinch in their family budget as their teenage daughters succumb to peer pressure to own these must-have accessories. In fact, adults can also break the bank by buying designer handbags, owning as many as five or more with the cost of more than $1,000 a-piece for authentic originals. Of course, consumers can always purchase knockoff bags, but the psychological rush of having a status item is lost, and no one wants to be spotted in a crowd with a counterfeit on a night on the town among the glitterati.
So what’s a girl to do? One company, Bag, Borrow or Steal now leases designer handbags. They originally thought their clientele would consist of low income consumers hoping to be part of the glitterati for an evening. However, they found that some of their customers had six-figure incomes but already had six purses and simply couldn’t buy anymore. Sometimes a customer just wants a bag to go with their business suit for interview or meeting. If you are looking for the latest and greatest but can’t afford to shell out the money, consider renting a luxury designer handbag that will have your friends cooing with jealousy. Prices for a month-long rental range from $40 to $200 dollars for more coveted items.
If you do purchase a new bag make sure you take care of your investment. Designer handbags are meant to be fun and pragmatic, but lose appeal if their looks fade. When not in use your bag should be stored in its original dust bag cover or in a natural, soft pillow slip. You’ll want to avoid handling your designer bags after applying beauty products and hand creams so always approach your bag with clean hands. If you have to store the bag, consider using bubble wrap to stuff the bags because it does not attract moths the same way tissue paper does. For longer storage be sure to undo buckles so that impressions are not created on the straps.
More and more people consider insuring designer handbags because designer handbags cost as much as they due because first and for-most they are made from quality materials. Most renters have more than $20000 worth of belongings in their residence but only cover property about $20,000. If you have own than one bag, it is important to check with your insurer to make sure that everything you own are completely covered under your policy. You could be required to pay a large amount of money for this coverage. To protect your Gucci, your Dolce & Gabbana, and your classic Louis Vuitton from the vagaries and dangers of the outside world, it will be worth getting insurance.
A new trend in designer handbags involves the monogram/initial print. For this a designer such as Gucci repeats its logo or initials all over the handbag’s surface. Because of the popularity and sales of these bags fashion experts expect this trend to continue and believe that limited editions that use the monogram print will also be introduced. The scarcity of these bags elevates them to the level of collectibles.
Designer handbags are expensive items, and parents report that they feel the pinch in their family budget as their teenage daughters succumb to peer pressure to own these must-have accessories. In fact, adults can also break the bank by buying designer handbags, owning as many as five or more with the cost of more than $1,000 a-piece for authentic originals. Of course, consumers can always purchase knockoff bags, but the psychological rush of having a status item is lost, and no one wants to be spotted in a crowd with a counterfeit on a night on the town among the glitterati.
So what’s a girl to do? One company, Bag, Borrow or Steal now leases designer handbags. They originally thought their clientele would consist of low income consumers hoping to be part of the glitterati for an evening. However, they found that some of their customers had six-figure incomes but already had six purses and simply couldn’t buy anymore. Sometimes a customer just wants a bag to go with their business suit for interview or meeting. If you are looking for the latest and greatest but can’t afford to shell out the money, consider renting a luxury designer handbag that will have your friends cooing with jealousy. Prices for a month-long rental range from $40 to $200 dollars for more coveted items.
If you do purchase a new bag make sure you take care of your investment. Designer handbags are meant to be fun and pragmatic, but lose appeal if their looks fade. When not in use your bag should be stored in its original dust bag cover or in a natural, soft pillow slip. You’ll want to avoid handling your designer bags after applying beauty products and hand creams so always approach your bag with clean hands. If you have to store the bag, consider using bubble wrap to stuff the bags because it does not attract moths the same way tissue paper does. For longer storage be sure to undo buckles so that impressions are not created on the straps.
More and more people consider insuring designer handbags because designer handbags cost as much as they due because first and for-most they are made from quality materials. Most renters have more than $20000 worth of belongings in their residence but only cover property about $20,000. If you have own than one bag, it is important to check with your insurer to make sure that everything you own are completely covered under your policy. You could be required to pay a large amount of money for this coverage. To protect your Gucci, your Dolce & Gabbana, and your classic Louis Vuitton from the vagaries and dangers of the outside world, it will be worth getting insurance.
What to Consider When Buying Black Evening Bags
Black evening bags are deemed the “must-have” items. Every well-dressed woman should own one evening bag which they can carry around for special occasions or evening events. Without doubt, black evening handbag is an exciting and a good investment as it can be paired well with almost any kinds of evening outfits easily. As black evening handbags or purses never go out of style and would always help you make the perfect style statement. However, you should also remember that evening bags are available in a wide range of styles, designs, embellishments, and features. Hence, it is vital that you assess your choices carefully. One thing you should bear in mind is that the bag must exude your style and personality. In that regard, you really have to take in account important considerations.
First and foremost, it is highly advised to find a bag that will suit all types of occasions, whether it is an upscale party, an ordinary office gathering, or a posh event. Doing so will allow you to save a bunch. Remember that good-quality bags normally come with a price; hence, investing in a bag that you can use for various events will help you earn extra savings.
However, those who like using different types of bags for various events, make sure to carry one that will suit the occasion that you will be attending. For instance, if you will be attending a dashing evening party, you should accentuate your attire with a black beaded bag. Beaded evening bags are perfect to make your outfit stand out.
Apart from that, you also have to take note of the bag’s designer. Although designer bags are quite expensive, they are undoubtedly quality investments. It is recommended that you go for well-know bag designers like Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Coach and Vitalio Vera.
There are so many different types of black evening bags available today. There are several important factors that you need to take into consideration when selecting a best one, including the bag’s quality, function, design as well as style.
First and foremost, it is highly advised to find a bag that will suit all types of occasions, whether it is an upscale party, an ordinary office gathering, or a posh event. Doing so will allow you to save a bunch. Remember that good-quality bags normally come with a price; hence, investing in a bag that you can use for various events will help you earn extra savings.
However, those who like using different types of bags for various events, make sure to carry one that will suit the occasion that you will be attending. For instance, if you will be attending a dashing evening party, you should accentuate your attire with a black beaded bag. Beaded evening bags are perfect to make your outfit stand out.
Apart from that, you also have to take note of the bag’s designer. Although designer bags are quite expensive, they are undoubtedly quality investments. It is recommended that you go for well-know bag designers like Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Coach and Vitalio Vera.
There are so many different types of black evening bags available today. There are several important factors that you need to take into consideration when selecting a best one, including the bag’s quality, function, design as well as style.
An Introduction to Hermes
Hermes bags are one of the most sought after handbags among fashionable and luxurious women. Thierry Hermes founded Hermes in the year 1837 and this company is still owned by the family. Hermes has 14 product divisions encompassing leather, scarves, ties, menswear, women’s fashion, perfume, watches, stationery, footwear, gloves, enamel, art of living, tableware, and jewelry. Headquarters of Hermes is located in Paris. This famous company sells whole wide range of its production in more then 30 countries of the world.
At the beginning the Hermes main specialty was leather products and saddles. When Emile-Maurice Hermes inherited Hermes company he turned the company away from the saddle business and started manufacturing various leather luggage items.
Hermes bags are among the most exclusive handbags in the world. They are not only a status symbol, but also represent a unique quality of material and manufacturing. Hermes bags are made of the finest quality leather, including also such materials as crocodile, ostrich, calf and lizard. There are several bags which are world famous, for example, the Kelly bag and Birkin. Kelly bag is named after Monaco Princess Grace Kelly. Grace Kelly appeared on the cover of Life Magazine in 1956 with the Hermes Kelly bag.
Another sought after luxury bag is the Birkin bag named after famous actress Jane Birkin. She happened to travel on one airplane with Hermes president Jean-Louis Dumas and complained that the Kelly bag she owned was not comfortable for daily use-after that she co-designed the new bag with Hermes. Price of Birkin bag starts from six thousand dollars up to whatever a true Birkin bag admirer is willing to pay. Wait time for Birkin bag is several years, although depending on availability of bag in the store one could simply go into shop and buy the desired Birkin. Birkin is very popular among celebrities and has become even more popular after featuring on the Sex and the City and Gilmore Girls. Now famous Birkin is available in smaller version designed by Jean Paul Gaultier.
Everyday, you can purchase replica Birkin bags as you like, which hand made in Asia. On an average, thousands of replica Birkin bags are sold on daily basis and this is the reason why the replica market is growing at much faster rate. Only good quality material is used for manufacturing replica Birkin bags. Every minute feature is replicated carefully in these handbags making them no different from the original handbags. These replica handbags will never replace the original designer ones, but they are worth every penny.
At the beginning the Hermes main specialty was leather products and saddles. When Emile-Maurice Hermes inherited Hermes company he turned the company away from the saddle business and started manufacturing various leather luggage items.
Hermes bags are among the most exclusive handbags in the world. They are not only a status symbol, but also represent a unique quality of material and manufacturing. Hermes bags are made of the finest quality leather, including also such materials as crocodile, ostrich, calf and lizard. There are several bags which are world famous, for example, the Kelly bag and Birkin. Kelly bag is named after Monaco Princess Grace Kelly. Grace Kelly appeared on the cover of Life Magazine in 1956 with the Hermes Kelly bag.
Another sought after luxury bag is the Birkin bag named after famous actress Jane Birkin. She happened to travel on one airplane with Hermes president Jean-Louis Dumas and complained that the Kelly bag she owned was not comfortable for daily use-after that she co-designed the new bag with Hermes. Price of Birkin bag starts from six thousand dollars up to whatever a true Birkin bag admirer is willing to pay. Wait time for Birkin bag is several years, although depending on availability of bag in the store one could simply go into shop and buy the desired Birkin. Birkin is very popular among celebrities and has become even more popular after featuring on the Sex and the City and Gilmore Girls. Now famous Birkin is available in smaller version designed by Jean Paul Gaultier.
Everyday, you can purchase replica Birkin bags as you like, which hand made in Asia. On an average, thousands of replica Birkin bags are sold on daily basis and this is the reason why the replica market is growing at much faster rate. Only good quality material is used for manufacturing replica Birkin bags. Every minute feature is replicated carefully in these handbags making them no different from the original handbags. These replica handbags will never replace the original designer ones, but they are worth every penny.
Dooney and Bourke Handbags-Designer Fashion At Its Best
A handbag should be ready with style plus performance in brain. Dooney & Bourke handbags are one of the highest classes. These are high quality handbags that are desired by women all over the country. This is truly a must have bag. Over twenty five years of experience dooney and bourke handbags are combining superb materials with different designs to create fine leather goods built to weather the years with a timeless, classic style. Dooney & Burke handbags improve their features with time and wear to be a distinctive expression of their owner’s ultra-unique style.
Dooney and Bourke handbags became a very famous and brand after offering everything from heart-covered purses and bowler bags adorned with charms to crocodile embossed duffels and candy-colored barrel bags.
Here are a few of the current top bags from Dooney and Bourke. Here are the main types of Dooney and Bourke handbags.
1. Dooney & Bourke Lock Satchel
2. Whip stitched Slouch Bag from Dooney and Bourke
3. Dooney & Bourke “Crossword” Shopper
4. Dooney and Bourke “Zebra” Sac
5. Medallion Bucket Bag-Dooney & Bourke
There is a wide range of collection Dooney and Bourke handbags are available in high style smooth leather in bright colorful finishes.
The Glove leather is soft and supple with a slight pebble grain. Dooney & Bourke bags come in various styles such as duffle, barrel bags, bowler bags, and satchels, and start at approximately $115 online.
Their bags range from playful heart-covered bowler bags in candy-coated hues; to sleek, sexy black and wheat-colored crocodile embossed clutches with classic gold clasps.
These days, everyone wants a Dooney and Bourke handbag, but few can afford them. These increasingly sought after designer accessories are quickly joining the ranks of Coach, Channel and Gucci. Which is to say coveted by most, and copied by many?
To get rid of this problem you must consider the following points before purchasing the Dooney and Bourke handbag.
Besides first of all see the logo of leather, you should always cheek the bag like color, qualities, features etc carefully, to avoiding getting a fake one. To get a perfect Dooney and Bourke handbag that enhances your personality and adds to your style. It will certainly look great on you.
Dooney and Bourke handbags became a very famous and brand after offering everything from heart-covered purses and bowler bags adorned with charms to crocodile embossed duffels and candy-colored barrel bags.
Here are a few of the current top bags from Dooney and Bourke. Here are the main types of Dooney and Bourke handbags.
1. Dooney & Bourke Lock Satchel
2. Whip stitched Slouch Bag from Dooney and Bourke
3. Dooney & Bourke “Crossword” Shopper
4. Dooney and Bourke “Zebra” Sac
5. Medallion Bucket Bag-Dooney & Bourke
There is a wide range of collection Dooney and Bourke handbags are available in high style smooth leather in bright colorful finishes.
The Glove leather is soft and supple with a slight pebble grain. Dooney & Bourke bags come in various styles such as duffle, barrel bags, bowler bags, and satchels, and start at approximately $115 online.
Their bags range from playful heart-covered bowler bags in candy-coated hues; to sleek, sexy black and wheat-colored crocodile embossed clutches with classic gold clasps.
These days, everyone wants a Dooney and Bourke handbag, but few can afford them. These increasingly sought after designer accessories are quickly joining the ranks of Coach, Channel and Gucci. Which is to say coveted by most, and copied by many?
To get rid of this problem you must consider the following points before purchasing the Dooney and Bourke handbag.
Besides first of all see the logo of leather, you should always cheek the bag like color, qualities, features etc carefully, to avoiding getting a fake one. To get a perfect Dooney and Bourke handbag that enhances your personality and adds to your style. It will certainly look great on you.
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